Joint created a brand new identity for TSB when they split from Llyods Bank. I have been involved in various stages of their moving image work, from building hundreds of outdoor advertising animated posters formats to creating a style for their motion graphics mixing their print and TV advertising.

Debt Con Animations

Animations created to punctuate three interview-style edits: Changes, Get fit & Debts.

tsb coffee cups tsb electricals
tsb piggy bank tsb bike

Truth and Banking videos

Informational videos that we created to help TSB explain different facts and truths about banking to the public. Here is a selection:

// A bank that profits with you.

// Switching

// Are contactless cards safe?

Outdoor campaigns

A small selection of the animated posters created for TSB's outdoor campaigns across the UK.

tsb 5 cats campaign poster tsb 5 cats campaign poster tsb 5 cats campaign poster
tsb animated poster tsb animated poster tsb animated poster
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